Alberto Nacci


Born in Trapani (Italy) in 1957, he has lived and worked in Bergamo since 1982. Former professor of Sound Design at the Academies of Fine Arts in Bergamo and Brescia, after a long career as a jazz musician (tenor and alto saxophone) with numerous record productions and a rich activity concerts, he has dedicated himself to the production of art and culture docufilms and video art works, with numerous awards all over the world: Hollywood, Los Angeles, New York, Philadelphia, Chicago, Bellingham, London, Paris, Moscow, Madrid, Barcelona, Rotterdam, Hamburg, Milan, Rome, Turin, Melbourne, Calcutta, Osaka, Singapore ... even in Alaska!
In 2023 the exibition FRAMES in the prestigious ADI Design Museum in Milan with the cultural collaboration of the Italian-American Museum of San Francisco.
Since 1996 he has been the owner and production manager of AJPstudios specializing in the production of art and culture projects with many documentary films in collaboration with important international creatives: painters, sculptors, photographers, musicians, architects ...


- Great Arabian International Movie Awards (Bahrain - Best music film) 2024
- Travancore International Film Festival (India - Best music film) 2024
- Frida Film Festival (New Mexico - Best cinematography) 2023
- Russian Institute of Cinema and Performing Arts Awards (Voroshilovskiy - best documentary) 2023
- International Music Video Awards (Budapest, Hungary, Best Music Video) 2023
- Vegas Movie Award (Las Vegas, USA - Best Music Video) 2023
- The Gladiator Film Festival (Istanbul, Turkey - Best Documentary) 2023
- Dona Paula International Film Awards (Best Music Video) 2023
- Milan Gold Awards (Milan, Italy . Best Music Video) 2023
- Paris Film Awards (Paris, France - Best Music Video) 2023
- ECU - The European Ind. Film Festival (Paris, France - Best European Independent Music Video) 2023
- Florence Film Awards ( Florence, Italy - super short film) 2023
- Berlin Shorts Awards (Germany, Best Music Video) 2022
- Europe Film Festival (London UK, Best Music Video) 2022
- New Jersey Short Awards (USA, Best Music Video) 2022
- Europa Film Festival (Barcelona, Spain, Best Art Film) 2022
- Rotterdam Independent Film Festival (Holland, Best Music Video) 2022
- Master of Cinema (Italy, Best Music Video) 2022
- Kumari International Film Festival (India, Best Music Video) 2022
- White Unicorn International Film Festival (India, Best Music Video) 2022
- Hamburg Film Awards (Germany, Best Music Video) 2022
- Snow Leopard International Film Festival (Madrid - Spain, Best Music Video) 2022
- Stanley Film Awards (London UK, Best European Director) 2022
- Venus Community Awards (Istanbul, Turkey - Best Documentary) 2022
- Venus Community Awards (Istanbul, Turkey - Best shortfilm) 2022
- Hollywood Gold Awards (Hollywood CA, Best Picture) 2022
- Asia Film Festival (India, Best film) 2022
- Global Nonviolent Film Festival (Canada, Best Cinematography) 2022
- International Gold Awards (New York, USA, Best Feature Documentary) 2022
- World Cine Fest (Best Documentary, 2022)
- Tabriz Cinema Awards (Istanbul, Turkey, Best Documentary) 2022
- Close Film Festival (USA, Best shortfilm) 2022
- Asia Film Festival (Best Music Video) 2022
- Florence Film Awards (Italy - Honorable Mention & Best Music Video) 2021
- New York Movie Awards (USA - Honorable Mention & Best Music Video) 2021
- Vegas Movie Awards (USA - Honorable Mention & Best Music Video) 2021
- Globe Roaming Global Film Festival (India - Best Music Video) 2021
- California Music Video Awards (USA - Best Music Video) 2021
- FilmArte Film Festival (Madrid, Spain - Best Music Video) 2021
- Osaka International Film Festival (OIFF) (Japan - Best Music Video) 2021
- Liberty Film Awards (USA - Best Music Video) 2021
- Rome Music Video Awards (Italy - Best Experimental Music Video) 2021
- X World Short Film Festival (Italy - Best Music Video) 2021
- London International Film Festival (UK - Special Jury Award) 2021
- Golden Reel International Film Festival (Singapore - Best Music Video) 2021
- Hell Chess Festival (USA - Best Music Video) 2021
- Spain International Film Festival (Best Music Video) 2021
- Sweeet Democrazy Film Awards (Italy - Best Music Video) 2021
- Euro Music Video Song Awards (France - Best editing) 2021
- Italy Internazional Film Festival (Best Music Video) 2021
- 4 Seasons Film Festival (Spain - Best Editing) 2021
- 4 Seasons Film Festival (Spain - Best Director) 2021
- 4 Seasons Film Festival (Spain - Best Art Movie) 2021
- Rotterdam Independent Film Festival (Netherland, Best Music Video) 2021
- Medusa Film Festival (Italy, Best Short Drama) 2021
- SicilyArt Cinema Festival (Italy, Best women's Issue film) 2021
- South Film and Arts Academy Festival (Cile - Best Play Theatre) 2019
- South Film and Arts Academy Festival (Cile - Walter Tiraboschi best lead actor in a short film) 2019
- South Film and Arts Academy Festival (Cile - best light in a short film) 2019
- South Film and Arts Academy Festival (Cile - Screenplay Honorable Mention in a short film) 2019
- London Independent Film Awards (UK - best music video) 2019
- Crown Wood International Film Festival (India - best film on women) 2019
- Beyond Earth Film Festival (Calcutta / India - best cinematic music video) 2019
- Latitude Film Awards (London / UK - best music video) 2019
- Global Shorts (Los Angeles - USA - best music video) 2019
- One-Reeler Short Film Competition (Los Angeles - USA - Award of Merit) 2019
- Urban Mediamakers Film Festival (Oregon USA - Best Music Inspired Short Film) 2019
- International Filmaker Festival of the World (UK - best original screenplay) 2019
- Accolade Global Film Competition USA 2018
- Southern Shorts Award (Awards of Merit) 2018
- Barcelona International Film Festival (Gold Lion Award) 2018
- Premios Latino, Festival de Musica y Cine Latino (best photography) Spain 2018
- Premios Latino, Festival de Musica y Cine Latino (best direction) Spain 2018 - Premios Latino, Festival de Musica y Cine Latino (best music video) Spain 2018
- Europa Film Festival (best music video) Spain 2018
- Mediterranean Film Festival (Italy - best soundtrack) 2018
- Visioni Corte 2018 International Short Film Festival (Italy - best music movie) 2018
- The Oregon Film Awards (USA - best music movie) 2018
- Prisma Rome International Film Awards (Italy, best music video) 2018
- Moscow Shorts - International Short Film Festival Awards (Russia, best music video) 2018
- The Accolade International Film Competition (Los Angeles, Best music video Winner) USA 2017
- European Cinematography Awards (Best music video, Winner) 2017
- Hollywood International Moving Pictures Film Festival (Winner, Award of Exellence) USA 2017
- American Filmatic Arts Awards (Best Experimental Video Art) USA 2017
- Top Indie Film Awards (Best Music Video) USA 2017
- Cult Critic Movie Awards - India (Best Music Video) 2017
- Bellingham Music Video Festival (Best music video, Winner) USA 2016
- Phoenix Film Festival Melbourne 2016 ( Best music video, Winner) Australia 2016
- Alaska International Film Awards (USA, Best music video, Winner) 2016
- Hollywood International Moving Pictures Film Festival (Winner, Award of Exellence) USA 2015
- IndieFEST Film Award (Los Angeles, Best music video, Winner) USA 2015
- International Filmaker Festival of the World (Winner - best editing) USA 2012
- International Film Festival Against Drug Abuse & Trafficking (Jakarta, (Winner) 2012
- Punta del Este International Film Festival (Uruguay - Special Mention of Jury) 2011
- Mar de La Plata International Film Festival (The Best 6 Short Film in the World) 2011
- Alaska International Film Award (Winner - best musical video) 2010
- International Filmaker Festival (Kent, UK – Winner best short) 2010
- Festival de Cine Internacional de Barcelona (Winner – best photography) Spain 2009
- Festival du Cinema de Paris (Mention Spéciale du Jury) France 2008
- Festival du Cinema de Bruxelles (Mention Spéciale du Jury) 2008
- Philadelphia Documentary & Fiction Film Festival (Winner - best editing) USA 2008
- Chicago Short Film Festival (Winner - art direction) USA 2006
- Digifestival (Winner – best music video) Italy 2005

Ha realizzato numerose opere filmiche per importanti industrie in ambito nazionale e internazionale fra cui
Tenaris, ATM, Ferretti SpA, Cosberg SpA, Vitalfood, La Rocca, Sacbo SpA, RCM, DFK Italia.



. Levitas (shortfilm Elio Bianco - Paolo Fresu, videoart 2024)
. Elena Bugini PAS D'ADIEU (2024, short)
. Body&Sound #21 OVER THE TIME (Henrik Andersen-Simona Zanini, Medusa guitar, voices, videoart, 2024)
. I Fantoni fra Bergamo e Brescia (2023, cultural campaign)
. WiShakespeare (2023, spot)
. The Broken Sound (shortfilm, 2022)
. Body&Sound #20 DUEL (D’Orazio-Abbrescia, el.violin-live electronics, videoart, 2022)
. About Darkness - Luisa Pezzotta (2022, videoart)
. Luis de Pablo, canto del nostro tempo (docufilm, 2022)
. Volti della Memoria (Museo della Permanente, docufilm, 2022)
. Arte, Musica e Solidarietà (docufilm, 2021)
. Body&Sound #19 WAVES (Andrea Dulbecco, vibes, videoart, 2021)
. Impronte- Sara Montani (docufim, 2021)
. La Porta Verso il Futuro (a shortfilm on school and covid, 2021)
. Voci d'Artista (docufilm, 2021)
. Parkinsonauti (spot, 2021)
. Body&Sound #18 SYMBIOSIS (Israel Varel &Karen Lugo, videoart, 2020)
. Gli Affreschi dei Baschenis in alta val Brembana (spot, 2020)
. I Baschenis, pittori della Val Brembana (docufilm, 2020)
. Body&Sound #17 MALLETS (Francesco D'Auria, drums, videoart, 2020)
. Body&Sound #16 WOODSOUND (Gianluigi Trovesi, clarinets, videoart, 2020)

. Il Tulipano Viola (docufilm sulla malattia di Parkinson, 2020)
. Body&Sound #15 SANCTUS (Daniele di Bonaventura, bandoneon, 2020, videoart)
. Body&Sound #14 HARP (Emanuela Battigelli, harp, 2020 videoart)
. Body&Sound #13 COULISSE (Andrea Andreoli, trombone,2019 videoart)
. Dedicato a Bianca (texts by A.Lorusso, videoart, 2019)
. JAZZinPROGRESS (Uri Caine, Paolo Fresu, Enrico Rava, Dave Douglas, Gianluigi Trovesi, 2019)
. Inner Voice (Piera Principe dancer, 2019, videoart)
. Body&Sound #12 CIRCLES, (Paolo Fresu, trumpet & electronics, 2019 videoart)
. Un Uomo, Oggi (fiction) 2018
. Body&Sound #11 (Alessandra Doninelli, cello, CELLO, 2018 videoart
. Body&Sound #10 FLAMENCO, (Cristina Benitez, ballerina - Livio Gianola, chitarra, 2017) 
. Taglio di Luce (2017, video-coreography)
. Body&Sound #9 SPACES (Claudio Fasoli, soprano saxophone, 2017, videoart)
. Body&Sound #8 I REMEMBER FRIDA (Israel Varela, voice,piano&drums, 2017, videoart)
· Eyes (Manuel Bonfanti, 2017, videoart)
· Accounting Today (DFK Italia, 2017, company video)
· Body&Sound #7 VOICES (Leg'gio Quartet, 2017, videoart)
· Trento Longaretti - The Concert (2016, docufilm)
. S.Nicola (2016, spot)
. Body&Sound #6 (Claudio Angeleri, jazz piano, 2016, videoart)
. RCM (RCM, 2016, industrial video)
. Body&Sound #5 (Marco Giovanetti, classic piano, 2016, videoart)
. The Sample Place (, 2016, industrial video)
. Body&Sound #4 (Stefano Bertoli, drums, 2015, videoart)
. Epiphonia (by Robin Whalley, produced by A.Nacci/ajpstudios, fiction, 2015)
. Body&Sound #3 (Giulio Visibelli, tenor saxophone, 2015, videoart)
. Andrea Baleri - Finissage (2015, documentary)
· Bergamo Iron People (Confindustria Bergamo, 2015, industrial)
. Body&Sound #2 (S.A.Calonego, a.guitar, 2014, videoart)
· Sel-portrait of a Soul (Viveka Assembergs, 2014, videoart)
. Body&Sound #1 (Mazza-Gamba Duo, 2014, videoart)
· Introduzione allo studio della Matematica (2014, documentary)
· Introduzione allo studio della Filosofia (2014, documentary)
· Per un Sorriso in più (2014, documentary)
· Il Giardino della pace (2014, videoart)
· Una Luce Bianca (2014, docu-film)
· La Rocca (La Rocca, 2013, industrial video)
· Handmade by Chris (Chris Gilmour, 2013, videoart)
· Hands to Jill (Jill Mathis, 2013, videoart)
· Isometrie (Dietelmo Pievani, 2013, documentary)
· L'Isteroscopia (2013, documentary)
· Milano Project by SERIO (La Rocca, 2013, industrial video)
· Drops (2013, videoart)
· Filonero (Giovanna Bolognini, 2013, videoart)
· Lazzari SpA (Lazzari, 2012, industrial video)
· The Moving Company (Cosberg, 2012, industrial video)
· Eppur si Muove (Ferretti International, 2012, industrial video)
· Geometrie di Luce (Paolo Ghilardi, 2012, documentary)
· R. C. Sarnico e Valle Cavallina - Decennale 2002-2012 (2012, documentary)
· The Colours of Silence (Marco Grimaldi, 2012, videoart)
· All'improvviso (Maura Cantamessa, 2012, videoart)
· Un Grande Giorno! (Acquaroli Events,2012, industrial video)
· The Perfect Machine (2011, videoart)
· La Notte Gialla di Bergamo (Ass. Cavaliere Giallo, 2011, documentary)
· Donare Non Ha Confini... (ISIS Einaudi, 2011, spot for Avis)
· LambSe 4 (2011, industrial video)
· Sculpted by the Wind (2011, videoart)
· Art and Silence (2011, docu-film)
· LambSe 3 (2011, industrial video)
· SILO (Ferretti International, 2010, industrial video)
· SelfCare (2010, videoarte)
· LambSe 2 (2010, industrial video)
· WiP - work in progress (ATM- CDC,2010, industrial video)
· Fra La Terra e il Cielo - Mario Botta, Chiesa a Seriate (2010, documentario)
· LambSe 1 (2010, industrial video)
· Philip Corner meets Eric Satie (2010, documentario)
· Tempio di Luce (Paolo Belloni, 2010, documentary)
· Quippe Dance (Poligrafica, 2010, videoart)
· Scandalo a Palazzo (2009, documentary)
· Clusters (Philip Corner, 2009, videoart)
· L’Arte della Calcografia (2009, documentary)
· I Rifugi Antiaerei di Dalmine (Comune di Dalmine, 2008, documentary)
· The Moving Town (SACBO, 2008, videoart)
· The Colours of Black (Mario Benedetti, 2007, videoart)
· Intercultura: Paradiso e Inferno (2007, videoart)
· Il Museo Archeologico di Bergamo (2005, documentary)
· Fireworks (2006, industrial videoart)
· Kandinskij (2004, videoart)
· Personaggi in cerca di … protezione (CNP Italia, 2003, didactic




JAZZinPROGRESS (docufilm for Bergamo Jazz Festival 2019)
Rotary Club Sarnico e Valle Cavallina - Decennale 2002-2012 (dvd video – 2012)

Alberto Cima, regista (Ass. Cult. Il Cavaliere Giallo, amici delle arti – dvd video - 2012)

All’improvviso (dvd video with artist's book “lei dunque capirà” di Maura Cantamessa - 2012)

WiP - work in progress (photo book + dvd video published for ATM - Comune di Milano – 2011)

The Moving Town (dvd video – AJP Records – 2009)

L’Arte della Calcografia (dvd video – AJP Records – 2009)

I Rifugi Antiaerei di Dalmine (dvd video – 2008)

The Colours of Black (dvd video - AJP Records – 2007)

Visioni (cofanetto con 3 opere sonore,cd - AJP Records - 2006)

Fireworks (dvd video - AJP Records – 2006)

World Fantasy – racconti in musica Chura e Marwe (cd - AJP Records – 2002)

Vox Party Vox Party (cd - AJP Records – 1999)

Alberto Nacci Lovers (cd - AJP Records - 1998)

Alberto Nacci Self-portrait of a sound (cd - AJP Records – 1998)

Sax Mobile feat. Pierre Favre Conserto (cd - Modern Times - 1996)

Giorgio Gaslini - Ensemble Mobile Jelly’s Back in Town (cd - Dischi della Quercia - 1996)

Alberto Nacci Brass Project Passing (cd - Splasc(h) Records - 1996)

Alberto Nacci The Path of Water (cd - Modern Times – 1996)

A.A.V.V. Sicilian Jazz Collection (vol.3) (cd - Splasc(h)Records - 1994)

Alberto Nacci Trio Kaos (cd - MAP Records – 1994)

Alberto Nacci Alma Project Colours (cd - Splasc(h)Records - 1992)

Alberto Nacci Alma Quartet Isola lontana (cd - Splasc(h)Records - 1990)

A.A.V.V. III Rassegna Jazz Franciacorta (LP - Jf Records - 1990)